Thursday, October 31, 2019

DDS Consulting Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

DDS Consulting - Case Study Example The growth of DSS is as a result of the complex challenges that faced the small school back in 1990s. This comes as the complex challenges forced the school districts to reduce the administrative cost thus calling for a consultation firm or specialist to solve the situation. DSS responded to its growth by subdividing it organs into different practice department mandate to perform distinct duties. These include the information technology, procurement, and system, facilities planning and contract negotiation. The activities of the different department took place with the help and contribution of its members. That is, a selected manager who reports to the general manager of the company heads each department. However, the groups are subjected to get any technical support from the external sources, for instance in case of any query on the way to apply a certain strategy an individual or group should seek assistance from the specialist and the general manager. The manner or the level of un derstanding and cohesiveness amongst the member determines the effectiveness and efficiency of the groups. Situation - Change at DSS How DSS unfreezes old behaviors and moving to a new system The transition of DSS consulting was triggered by the changes of the management strategies. This after the founder decided to cut back the engagement of the management of the organization. The new appointed chief operating offer took the duties and responsibilities of overseeing the entire transition process. She instructed the establishment of a new system that is she felt that it is important to expand the organization operation beyond the traditional customer and strive to deliver more services to the target group (large districts). Its objective was accomplished through the development of new reorganizing and service in a customer-focused and cross-functional approach. The two phases of change, and discuss how this transition influenced Chris, her team, and the feedback she received from Me g. The first phase of change in the company took place immediately after the founder cut back their engagement and involvement in the company. The action of the founders forced Meg to come up with strategic planning on how to maintain the company’s position and realization of its success. The chief operating officers therefore went ahead to promote Chris as the head of the Southwest Region team. The other phase of changes that took place is the decision by Meg to transform the organization’s operation that is her decision to reorganize the departments into a cross- functional team entitled to work on different projects. This influenced the realization of the company’s objective due to the commitment of the member of the group. The team members welcomed the new system because it gave room for diverse ideologies target common goals, which in turn was evident through some positive feedback from the districts and the specialist. Mega also supported the changes and c ommented Chris efforts to work as a group despite the many challenges they encountered. The feedback from Meg was not the expected result after the hard and committed of the group but the group went ahead in accomplishing the projects into the beta testing. Situation: Manager Profile (Chris) Identify the management functions that best reflect Meg’s strengths. Meg stands out as a strong manager with

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

What Was Ironic About the Rebirth of Theatre in the Medieval Period Essay Example for Free

What Was Ironic About the Rebirth of Theatre in the Medieval Period Essay It is ironic that the Church, which caused theatres to be outlawed as the Roman Empire declined and then fell, was one of the primary means of keeping theatre alive through the Middle Ages. This resulted from the Churchs need to establish itself in the community a community still steeped in pagan ritual and superstition which manifested itself in seasonal festivals. The Church ultimately linked its own religious holidays with these seasonal festivals and began to use dramatic form to illustrate the stories underlying these holidays so as to reinforce their religious connotation and to better communicate the stories to an illiterate congregation. At first the parts played in these simple religious re-enactments of the nativity and adoration of the Magi were played by priests in the sanctuary of the church. However, as the repertoire of the Church grew to include the passion and crucifixion of Christ, the Church was confronted with the dilemma of how a priest should portray Herod. While division of opinion in the Church continued as to the worth of dramatic interpretations, the members of the congregation clearly enjoyed and were moved by them. The dramas continued to grow, moving out of the sanctuary and into the open air in front of the Church. Ultimately, the members of town guilds began to contribute to these dramas, which continued to grow more elaborate with time. Known as passion plays, miracle plays and morality plays, they continued their close connection with the Church and church holidays, but began to introduce elements of stock characters that were more contemporary in nature. With the growth of towns and the introduction of stable governments in Europe, the stage was set for the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Counter-Reformation and the secularization of theatre as it emerged from the influence of the Medieval Church. Ironically it was the church during the Medieval Times that was responsible for the rebirth of theatre. The church and the government at this time were one and the same. Not belonging to the church made you a social outcast. People were illiterate and church services were in Latin. The visual aid of a performance helped the people of the time to better understand the sermons. Mystery plays were based on bible stories such as the birth of Christ. Allegorical morality plays had story lines that were always about man and how he succumb to sin. During performances there were definite mansions (setting) for heaven and hell. The goal of morality plays was to show man what will happen if he continues to live in sin by sending him to hell, but if he changed his life and repent he will go to heaven. Everyman (author unknown) is the best known and one of the very few Medieval plays that survived. The rules for these performances were very strict and had to be approved by the clergy before performed in the church. Eventually the performances moved to outside areas of the church and later to a fixed stage (similar to a stage as we know it today) or a pageant wagon.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

My Personal And Professional Development Education Essay

My Personal And Professional Development Education Essay In this essay I will critically evaluate my personal and professional development with relation to QTS standards for classroom management. Using current theories and research I will identify problems and put forward possible solutions to improve my future practice. This will be achieved through reflective practice, in which I will keep a journal of my progression and identify key areas for development. Using this record of my developing class management, I will critically evaluate my own progression. If acting is the art of stopping people coughing, teaching is the art of stopping them throwing things around (McManus 1995) During my first placement in school, I was able to experiment with a variety of teaching techniques for all aspects of teaching. Due to the type of school I was placed at, the key factor I had to address was classroom management. The school had extensive problems with pupil behaviour, therefore before any meaningful learning could take place classroom management had to be dealt with. By the end of the placement my tutor gave me some extremely positive comments about my progress in this area and advised that I must continue to focus on classroom management to achieve outstanding lesson observations in the future. She explained that once I no longer had to think about discipline in the classroom and it became more natural, I would then be able to spend more time on other aspects of teaching. The importance of behaviour management to all aspiring teachers has been highlighted by many theorists over the years, effective classroom management is essential to effective teaching (Capel et al , 2005). With this focus in mind I began my second placement with a strong motivation to develop my management techniques using all the resources available. This was an ideal area of development for me to use in my learning journal, where I could record my problems, try out new techniques and critically evaluate my progression. This would then provide me with a wealth of strong evidence to prove I had met the appropriate standards required to achieve Qualified Teaching Status (QTS). These standards, set by the government, cover the range of skills a teacher must have in order to teach satisfactory lessons. Several of these cover classroom management and through this assignment I will be able to asses how successfully I have achieved these standards. Before I can begin to evaluate my practice I first need to set a clear definition of classroom management and what it will encompass. A clear and straightforward definition is given by Wragg (1993) Class management is what teachers do to ensure that children engage in the task in hand, whatever that may be'. Although simplistic this is essentially what all teachers must address every lesson. Before any meaningful teaching can take place, students behaviour in the classroom must be acceptable for all pupils to be able to learn. However, this essential concept then opens up a wide variety of variables which affect a students behaviour in lessons. It is these aspects of behaviour management which I will focus on in my reflective practice. When studying classroom behaviour teachers of often talk about poor or bad behaviour shown by pupils but this can vary depending on the teachers point of view. Bad behaviour is therefore defined by the level of disruption caused to a childs learning. Lawrence (1984) is quoted, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦disruption amounted to anything which prevented the teacher from achieving worthwhile results with the pupils. Describing disruptive behaviour as, a general refusal to be taught, doing no work or refusal to obey'. Knowing what is bad behaviour then allows the teachers establish techniques to anticipate and reduce its occurrence. All student teachers hoping to develop their class management must accept the responsibility they have for all pupils behaviour. Many teachers are understandably reluctant to acknowledge that the reason for pupils misbehaviour may be found as often in their teaching as in the pupils inability or failure to learn (Charlton David, 1989). Therefore teachers must understand that it is not solely the child or their background that is to blame for misbehaving. The teachers actions and decisions are possibly the most important factor effecting a pupils behaviour in their class. Having this in mind, a trainee teacher should take a greater responsibility of their management techniques and focus on improvements. Effective classroom management is based on these basic principles; expressing authority, conveying enthusiasm, proactivity and preparation. (Bryson 1998). These four principles are the basic structure for establishing classroom management on which teachers can build their practice. However, developing these skills, especially as a student teacher, are notoriously complicated as they are often hard to practice. List of qualities for those working with troublesome children: teachers must be stable, compassionate, sensitive, intelligent, resilient, mature and physically fit. (Houghughi 1978) Behaviour management relies heavily on a teachers personality, mannerisms, acting ability and particulary confidence. Teaching skills are difficult to get a purchase on because they are dynamic rather then mechanistic in character (Eisner 1982). Yet there are many theorists who have developed techniques which can enhance and improve these skills. I will put into practice many of these theories durin g my placement and evaluate them in my reflective log. I will record the success or failure of these strategies and suggest ways in which they have enabled me to meet any QTS standards. In order to achieve this I must first establish an effective way to record and evaluate my classroom management using a reflective practice model. Although we all learn from experience, more and more experience does not guarantee more and more learning. We should not rely solely on our natural process of reflecting on experience, but actively seek ways to ensure that reflection itself become a habit. (Beaty 1997). Thus, to ensure progression is optimal a structured and focused method of reflection must be carried out by learners. During my time in placement B I will keep a journal describing my progress in improving classroom management during half a term. This will focus on one single year 8 class, who I have observed as having many behavioural issues. By recording the problems I faced and the successful and unsuccessful management techniques I used, I will have a detailed account of my teaching development. I will use this journal as a key source when relating classroom management theories to real life practice. This reflective procedure is essential for trainee teachers and is the key focus of this assignment. Dewey (1933) is acknowledged as a major instigator in the twentieth century of the concept of reflection, drawing on the ideas of many classical theologians such as Plato, Aristotle, Confucius and Buddha (Houston, 1988). Since then several models of reflection have been presented in the last thirty years. Gibbs (1988), John (2000), Atkins Murphy (1994) and Kolb (1984) have all produced differing models which offer different methods of reflection. David Kolb (1984) believed that learning occurs in a cycle in which learners engage in and then observe and reflect on experiences. The learner can then integrate reflections into their own theory, allowing them to estimate how to react in the future. This basic outline is a good structure on which to base my journal but a more detailed and specific model for reflection would be of greater use. Gibbss (1988) reflective cycle developed Kolbs theories but adapted them into a more user-friendly model (appendix 1). Gibbs model suggests the learner describes what happens, explains their feelings at the time and then evaluates the positives and negatives of the experience. From this information the practitioner can then analyse the situation and make conclusions about what needs to be changed and what should remain. This allows the learner to set action plans to suggest what could be done in a similar situation in the future. This is a very accessible method for reflection which offers the learners opportunity to reflect on the key aspects of their learning and then use this information to set realistic targets. Christopher Johns (2000) is more critical of Gibbss cycle quoting This might be useful for the novice reflective practitioner but remember, within a reflective perspective such structures are merely devices to help you reflect rather then impose a prescription of what ref lection is. Although I agree with Johns argument I believe I am still a novice reflective practitioner and so feel comfortable adopting Gibbs model. Johns (1994) model for structured reflection (MSR) can be used as a guide for analysis or reflection on an experience and would be useful for more complex decision making and analysis. MSR supports the need for the learner to work with a supervisor throughout their learning experience. He refers to this as guided reflection, and recommends that students use a structured diary. Platzer et al (1997) identify this as a strength of the model, as it is one of the few models of reflection that refers to the development of supervisor based reflections. Rolfe et al (2001) criticises the MSR, as it only responds to a situation, which has been resolved. It does not give enough flexibility for the practitioner to evolve their practice as the situation changes. However I will incorporate the need for a learner to work with a supervisor, such as my subject tutor, into my own reflective practice as it gives me an experienced perspective on my development (see LDJ). I will predominantly use Gibbss reflective cycle when evaluating my progression in classroom management but also incorporate Christopher Johns theory of supervisor supported reflection. I will organise it following Hollys (1989) Log Diary Journal (LDJ) pro forma to structure each entry of my reflections. This will allow me to clearly state my lesson information, objectives, activities and dates in one column labelled Log. The second column, headed Diary, will contain a description of what occurred, my feelings on what had happened and evaluations of this experience, i.e. one half of Gibbs cycle. The final column, labelled Journal, will contain the second half of the cycle, analysing situations, drawing conclusions and setting targets. This section will also contain the comments and suggestions made by my subject tutor and supervisor. This model of reflection should then give me a sufficient amount of information to make significant progress in the classroom. On arrival at Placement B I was given a timetable of the classes I would be teaching, giving me the opportunity to observe each class with their regular teacher over several weeks. Knowing the areas of development I needed to focus on during this placement I was aware that behaviour was going to be a key target. One group I was required to teach were a bottom set year 8 class. From the first lesson I observed with this group it was abundantly clear that the classroom management needed to be addressed. The class contained 18 pupils all with varying Special Educational Needs (SEN). These ranged from severe physical and mental disabilities to strong social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. This large array of barriers to learning meant the teacher had to differentiate each lesson in a very wide ranging way. Attainment levels were set comparatively high compared to children with similar learning difficulties and the class had not met their target grades as a group since joining th e school. However after talking to the head of science the reason for the weak performance seemed to be caused by the poor behaviour shown in the classroom. During three weeks of observing the group classroom behaviour was the worst I have ever seen (LDJ log 1). The majority of students left their seats and often ran around the class arguing or fighting with other pupils. Equipment was continually thrown around the room and work torn up or dropped on the floor and ignored. Many pupils refused to even take their coats off in the classroom. Around 4 or 5 students were behaving very well and concentrated on the work set by the teacher. However the rest were at this point so accustomed to spending each science lesson misbehaving that they did not seam to know that this was not how to behave in a lab. The reason for this poor behaviour was not simply caused by the pupils SEN and disabilities. Since beginning school a year and a half earlier the class have not had the same science teacher for more than a few months. The science department has had a lot of staff absences and so this class has had a lot of supply cover as their main teacher has been absent for 8 months. This lack of consistency has meant pupils have not yet learnt how to behave appropriately in a science lesson. This class therefore gave me the perfect opportunity to log my progression of classroom management in Placement B, with the hope of helping this class to begin some actual science learning. With this in mind I prepared for my first lesson with this group. Classroom management starts well before the students reach the classroom itself, involving careful preparation of both teaching and the room, alongside detailed planning. Dymoke Harrison (2008). After several weeks of observations I felt I was well prepared for my first lesson with 8E4. Yet after the first hours lesson I realised how unprepared I had been (Log 1). Although I had collected all the available data on each pupil and had observed the class with different supply teachers the behaviour was still far below what I had expected. One factor which I believe caused this was the time it took students to set up at the start of the session. Rutter et al (1979) reported that where teachers were waiting for classes and able to supervise their entry there was less school disorder. At the beginning of the first lesson I had trouble with the ICT equipment and so was unable to greet the students as they entered the room. I asked students to line up at the back of the room then sat studen ts in a random order. This did not set the tone of the lesson well as it took far too long to organise and students were bored and easily distracted. The start of a lesson is vital in establishing the pace for the rest of the session but also informs students on what they should expect from the new teacher. Wragg (1984) showed that experienced teachers, when compared with students, were more likely to greet the pupils, occupy a central position in the room, wait for silence before speaking, issue directions authoritatively and use eye contact. Therefore I must always ensure that I have prepared for the start of each lesson and I set the tone I want for the following sessions in terms of behaviour. Marland (1975) points out that a straightforward start to lessons, with something that occupies pupils at their desk, allows the teacher to cope with interruptions and late-comers. I will try wherever possible to prepare fully for lessons and anticipate any behavioural problems in my plann ing to stop any issues arising. We believe that the most effective way to manage behaviour problems is to prevent, or at lease minimise, their occurrence. Successful teachers were noted to be far more adept at preventing them. (Charlton David, 1989) The first activity I had planned with this class was to create a set of simple classroom rules which students will design and follow (LP1).This was based on the work of McManus (1995) One way of proceeding with classes that are already out offhand is to draw up jointly a short list of rules and make up some sort of bargain with the class. Suggesting, It is more effective to express the rules positively, so pupils know what they have to do rather then not do. I had seen this done before and felt is was suitable for this already disruptive class. However when I asked the class to suggest their own classroom rules they gave knowingly silly or inappropriate suggestions. I had anticipated this happening and so had my own pre prepared rules. However when evaluating my lesson I now realise I should not have given in as quickly as I did in providing the class with some rules. If I had pushed students to state their own rules they would have produced a much more powerful management tool. Givi ng the students ownership of rule setting allows the teacher to transfer extra responsibility on those breaking the rules as they had agreed on how they should behave in the class. I will therefore ensure pupils always decide their own classroom regulations, giving myself more ways to manage behaviour. Since the rules were set I have continually been reinforcing them at the beginning of each lesson. Bull and Solity (1987) note the importance of stressing to the class the natural consequences of keeping the rules, making it easier to withdraw the artificial system. This has been an area that my subject tutor suggested I need to improve (Log 1). Now that the classroom rules are known, when they are not followed by students I must show the consequences of pupils misbehaving. I had set out to use the whole school system of 2 warning then a room removal. However in the first few lessons I continued to give out warnings even when students should have been removed to a different class. In future I must be consistent with the schools discipline procedures and show to students I will follow through with my threats. After the unsuccessful first lesson I had decided to set up a reward system for those in the class who do behave well in lessons. This would then act as an incentive for the rest of the group to change their own behaviour for the chance to earn a reward (Log 2). Bull Solity (1987) suggest Token rewards such as points are also useful as immediate rewards because they can be given for different behaviours and are relatively easy to administer at the time they are earned. The raffle ticket system I set up did work very well. Though not successful enough to improve every childs behaviour instantly, a large section of the class were visibly motivated by the reward. I was able to use the incentive of gaining a prize to ensure students sat at their desks and attempted the work set. Over the following lessons I continued the raffle system and it became an increasingly powerful tool for classroom management, especially when students saw others who had behaved well collecting their prizes (Lo g 6). This raffle ticket system has also worked well with slightly older classes I have taught and I will continue to use it in the future. This is a very useful technique for effective behaviour management. In Log 3 I noted that By teaching a more interesting and exciting topic I believe pupils are more likely to be engaged in the lesson and behaviour will improve. My tutor had suggested in the previous lesson that the activities and success criteria set were not suitable for all the students in the class and that this could have been a reason for the poor behaviour. Gannaway (1984) found that pupils were less likely to co-operate in lessons, especially ones judged boring, if there was too much writing. With this in mind I planned lessons that I hoped would be more engaging to the students and therefore reduce behavioural issues. I spoke to the Head of Science in school who gave me permission to try a different subject topic with 8E4, as the planned scheme of work was very abstract and difficult to understand for students of this ability. Log 4 showed that students were interested as soon as they entered the room and did not want to be removed from the lesson. The lesson was maintained in short chunks to keep the pace up and reduce the amount of disruption. By choosing a subject (CSI) that was more exciting and accessible students behaviour did improve. Although this worked well for this class I will not have the luxury of picking my own scheme of work with other groups I teach. I therefore need to find ways of making the more boring and disengaging science topics more interesting for students. Studies have shown that pupils behave better and complete more work in rows. Further, pupils seated in the front and centre of the room are said to be more attentive. (McManus 1995) Log 3 highlighted the need for a more structured seating plan. Rather then using the random collection from the first lesson I sat down and drew up a more considered plan. I put students into groups of 3 or 4 of mixed ability and equal gender. Based on the advice from my tutor this would mean those who struggle academically would be supported by the brighter pupils. Rewards would be awarded to groups, meaning the pupils had to work together and learn how to co-operate. This was a major issue in the class as many of the pupils are violent and hostile towards each other (Log 1,2,3). The new seating arrangements worked a lot better then the previous plan. I had intentionally placed the 3 most disruptive pupils at the front and centre of the room where I could constantly watch their actions. I maintained thes e groups over the next lessons and most groups eventually started to work together cohesively. Even though they still do not work together harmoniously, when compared to the first two lessons the behaviour has vastly improved. After slowly building on the small steps of successful previous lessons Log 5 showed how it can all fall apart again. I attempted a practical experiment with the group which did not go as planned. As soon as the practical began, students began messing around and acting in an unsafe manner. 3 pupils had to be removed and I also ended the practical early for safety reasons. (Log 5) This experience highlighted to me that I need to develop a better awareness of what is occurring in my classrooms. Marland (1975) coined the term lighthouse effect in which successful teachers frequently scan the class and regularly make remarks to show they are missing nothing. I do this too infrequently in my lessons and it is an area that needs to be strengthened as I progress. After the lesson 5 disaster (Log 5) I planned a far more regimented practical for lesson 6 (LP6) based on classroom management theory. Partington and Hinchcliffe (1979) noted that effective classroom managers prepared effectively and extensively; as well as the content they planned for organisational matters such as movement, time and the task of particular jobs. With this in mind I structured the practical activity of lesson 6 extremely tightly. We completed the practical together as a group, doing one little step at a time. This meant all students knew exactly what to do and did not get confused or left behind. We did not move on to the next step until all students were ready. All behavioural issues could be dealt with much easier as students were keen to be involved and work at the same pace as the rest of the group. I was surprised at how well this structured approach worked and it will be the template for all future practicals. At the end of my first half term at Placement B I had a detailed review meeting with my subject tutor. I asked about my progress in terms of classroom management and the areas I need to improve. The main target he suggested was to look at my own body language and research some theories on this subject. Kohl (1986) gave a very fitting description of his teacher training. In one short week I went from informal Herb, with an open collar and sweater, to Mr Kohl with a suit and tie, a very controlled manner and an unnatural, stern look. My students had taught me that I had to establish my authority before I could teach them anything. I need to follow Kohls lead and adapt my presence and demeanour in the classroom. Rather then appearing fragile or weak I need to portray my authority over the students. This can be achieved not only through my voice or my threats but in my gestures, stance and position in the classroom. Goffman (1968) observed that impressions given off, as distinct from tho se deliberately given, are normally taken as a more accurate guide to a persons inner state. I must constantly be aware of the signals I am portraying to the class and try to ensure they are the signs I want to give to the room. Having experimented with several different classroom management techniques I have highlighted those which have improved my own practice and those which have not. Throughout these evaluations I have often felt that many strategies which I have observed or attempted often have the opposite effect. Teachers control strategies can sometimes exacerbate rather than alleviate situations (Cooper 1993). I do not necessarily believe that just because a class is well behaved or quiet that their learning is improved. Docking (1992) builds on this feeling, arguing The word control has mechanistic connotations, implying that teachers order their charges around without respecting their personhood. There is little room for discourse, listening to and trying to understand the voice of the pupil. The best way for pupils to learn is most often when they are arguing or discussing a subject. To an observer this may appear to be bad behaviour and poor classroom management. Yet it is only when students are allowed to apply their knowledge in discussions with others that effective learning can really take place. I therefore need to focus my attention not on ensuing a classroom is silent and all pupils follow my commands but that students are making as much progression as possible. Word Count 4, 323

Friday, October 25, 2019

Summary and Analysis of The Squires Tale :: Canterbury Tales The Squires Tale Essays

Summary and Analysis of The Squire's Tale (The Canterbury Tales) Epilogue to the Merchant's Tale and Prologue to the Squire's Tale: The Host laments the Merchant's tale, praying that he would never find such a terrible wife. The Host admits that he also has a wife that he laments marrying. He advises the Squire to tell a tale next. The Squire's Tale is not complete, ending after only six hundred lines. The Squire's Tale: The Squire tells the tale of Cambyuskan, the king of Sarai in Tartary. With his wife Elpheta he had two sons, Algarsyf and Cambalo, and a daughter Canacee. In the twentieth year of his reign on the Ides of March his subjects celebrated his nativity. During a great feast with the king and his knights, a knight with a gold ring and a sword entered the hall. He was sent from the king of Arabia and India, and offers him a steed of brass that can, within twenty-four hours, transport a person safely anywhere on the globe. He also presence to Canacee a mirror that foresees impending mischance and can determine the character of friends and foes, a ring that enables the wearer to understand the language of any bird, and the healing properties of all herbs. He also offers a sword whose edge will bite through any armor but whose flat will cure the wounds inflicted by the edge. The knight was led to a chamber and the ring given to Canacee, but the brass steed would not move until the knight taug ht people how to move it. The horse was a source of wonder for the people, compared alternately to the Pegasus and the Trojan horse. All one needed to do to move the brass horse was to twirl a peg in its ear, according to the knight. After the revelry of the night before, the next morning everybody but Canacee remained asleep until late. She had dreamed of the mirror and the ring and thus had her first satisfying rest in a very long time. As she went out walking that morning with her maids, she came across bleeding peregrine falcon that cried in anguish. It had maimed itself. Canacee picked up the falcon and spoke to it, a power she had gained from the ring the knight had given her. The falcon told her a tale of a handsome tercelet as treasonous and false as he was beautiful.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Debbie Spring’s “The Kayak” Essay

The story ‘The Kayak’ interprets the life of a 16 year old girl, Theresa, who is still yet a baby. Her desire of becoming a woman remains unfulfilled un till she meets a boy named Jamie. When I read the story, so much sympathy for Theresa arose inside me. I feel closest to Theresa in comparison with the other two characters. When I was reading this story I was thinking about the level of patience Theresa has towards life, after what she has been through. Theresa is very insecure, dependant and helpless. As you read this story, you will come to see why Theresa is insecure. â€Å"This is my special place. Out here, I feel secure† (Spring, Debbie Language and writing 9 -The Kayak .International1 Thomson Publishing, 1999, 33) Theresa’s special place is in water where she feels secure but on land, it is the total opposite. Another reason that proves my point is â€Å"I’m not used to talking to a guy, I never had a boyfriend, who would be interested in me?† (Spring, Debbie Language and writing 9 -The Kayak .International1 Thomson Publishing, 1999, 36). This shows that Theresa had low self-esteem, caused by the condition of life has bestowed upon her by taking away the power from her legs. Theresa is so used to her insecurity that no matter what the circumstances are, her insecurity will pop up and take control. â€Å"Jamie puts his hand on my shoulder ‘Would you like to join me and my friends at a campfire tonight?’ ‘I don’t need pity’ I retort.† (Spring, Debbie Language and writing 9 -The Kayak .International1 Thomson Publishing, 1999, 37). Theresa thinks that nothing good can happen to her because of her past. When something is happening well, she will feel as if it too good to be true and thus ignore or hide from it. That is why Theresa’s insecurity is one of the most noticed character traits in the story. Along with insecurity, readers also perceive dependence as one of Theresa’s character traits. She feels incomplete on land and nothing is in her control, but yet as she gets closer into the ware pieces of puzzle seem to come into place to complete her. â€Å"The blue boat is an extension of my legs, I can do anything, I can go anywhere, totally independent, totally in control of myself.† (Spring, Debbie Language and writing 9 -The Kayak  .International1 Thomson Publishing, 1999, 33). In the water Theresa is woman, a heroine who can save the life of others, while on land she can barely take care of her own self. † ‘Thanks for saving my skin’ Jamie says. ‘Next time, wear a lifejacket.’ Jamie doesn’t’t flinch. ‘You’re right. That was dumb.† (Spring, Debbie Language and writing 9 -The Kayak .International1 Thomson Publishing, 1999, 36). In various parts of the story, you can observe that no matter how Theresa wanted to rid herself from being dependent on her parents all the time, the trap doesn’t’t let her free. â€Å"My arms ache, I don’t want to go back to shore. Nobody lets me grow up. My parents treat me like a baby. I’m 16 years old, to old to pampered, already a woman.† (Spring, Debbie Language and writing 9 -The Kayak .International1 Thomson Publishing, 1999, 33). Theresa would love nothing more than being able to feel land, what she feels on water. Helplessness is another character trait of Theresa. Helplessness is the worst you can feel because you want to do something under any situation whatsoever, but you just are not able to do so. Theresa does feel helpless in the story a lot. â€Å"Half the kayak is on land, the rest in the water, I feel trapped, like a beached whale.† (Spring, Debbie Language and writing 9 -The Kayak .International1 Thomson Publishing, 1999, 36). After reading this sentence, I felt the depth of her pain and how it tortures her everyday, yet being able to do nothing to help her self. â€Å"I see my parents waving from shore. My father runs in the ware to help. Everything happens really fast, he takes control.† (Spring, Debbie Language and writing 9 -The Kayak .International1 Thomson Publishing, 1999, 36). She feels so helpless because she is not able to walk, so her father has to come funning to help her. Another place in the story she feels helpless is â€Å"My eyes water. Through tears, I see two images of me. The helpless child on land and the independent woman on water.† (Spring, Debbie Language and writing 9 -The Kayak .International1 Thomson Publishing, 1999, 37). That sentence shows that not only the readers conceive her helpless but she does also. I think that the author Debbie Spring did a pretty good job in expressing Theresa’s characteristics. This story ‘The Kayak’ also sprinkles around most aspects of life along with hinting out a big moral. It has some many  interesting lessons, a person can conceive such as the relationship between a parent and a child, how to overcome you biggest pains in life, in being able to let go and moving on, to see the bright side of life, seeing the glass half full and etc. I think that Theresa is a really brave and emotional character. Debbie Spring made us see everything by Theresa’s perspective, the way she feels by using first person narrator. I think if she would have done it otherwise, such as 2nd or 3rd person narrator to tell the same story, it wouldn’t’t have been as interesting as this on.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Changes in the Asia-Pacific region Essays

Changes in the Asia-Pacific region Essays Changes in the Asia-Pacific region Essay Changes in the Asia-Pacific region Essay During the MDG government, the Asia-Pacific part has done more or less good on the major marks. Poverty has been tackled to a great extent. Access of the kids to basic instruction has been expanded. Significant degree of gender para has been achieved. Despite the success, there will hence be a important unfinished agenda’ . About 743 million people in the part still live on less than $ 1.25 a twenty-four hours and if the poorness benchmark is $ 2 a twenty-four hours, the figure rises to 1.64 billion, uncovering a high grade of exposure ; some 900 million people could easy fall into low poorness ( below the $ 1.25 a twenty-four hours poorness line ) due to personal bad luck or economic dazes or natural catastrophes. Low quality instruction continues to be a major challenge in the part. The Asia-Pacific part has non performed good on wellness marks compared to other MDG marks. In 2011, there were around 3 million deceases of kids under five, and about 20 million births were non attended by skilled wellness forces. Unplanned urbanisation is emerging as a major challenge ; every twenty-four hours an estimated 120,000 people are migrating to metropoliss in the Asia-Pacific part and between 2010 and 2050, the proportion of people populating in urban countries is likely to turn from 42 to 63 per cent. The Asia-Pacific part will be difficult hit by a altering clime. This is likely to sabotage both nutrient security and supports, and convey immense economic and societal costs. Inequality is lifting in tandem with economic growing presenting a existent challenge to just distribution of benefits of economic development. On the other manus, this part is besides a development paradox. Following the sustained economic success of the development provinces of the East Asia, the rise of India and China has successfully drawn world’s attending to the part. While more just, humane and classless development is expected in the post-2015 development government, the function of public disposal and administration would be more critical to turn to the current development challenges and spreads. Furthermore, under the current globalisation procedure, public disposal as an academic subject and a tool of development is sing unprecedented alterations. Against this background, NAPSIPAG International Conference 2014 seeks to revisit the broader facet of Asiatic administration and public disposal in the position of the post-2015 development docket. The conference will be an chance for the bookmans, faculty members, research workers and practicians to portion cognition, thoughts and penetrations to heighten the quality of administration and public services in the Asia-Pacific part, and to supply policy deductions to turn to the development challenges. There are five broad-based sub-themes around the major focal point of the conference. The sub-themes provide chances to look at the issues in a more elaborate and focussed manner. Interested bookmans and practicians are invited to portion their experiences, discuss their positions and present concrete proposals to help administration and public services in the Asia-Pacific part to execute better to get the better of the development challenges, peculiarly poorness and inequality. More specifically, participants of the conference are encouraged to show their critical positions for edifice development schemes that promote sustainable and classless development and just administration patterns in the Asia-Pacific part. Sub-theme 1: Effective and AccountablePublic GovernanceSystem This sub-theme is expected to map the current challenges that the public disposal system is exposed to, enter the state specific good patterns that help the public disposal deliver better and suggest hereafter schemes to get the better of the development challenges. Making the Public Administration Deliver Better and the Question of Capability ; Ethical motives and Accountability in Governance and the Public Service ; Citizens’ Engagement in Development Strategy and Equitable Development ; Intensifying Democratic Governance and Public Oversights ; Sub-theme 2: Administration and Non-state Stakeholders The function of the non-government sector and civil society in administration and development is progressively apparent across the universe. These stakeholders play critical function peculiarly where public sector administration and answerability is hapless and weak. Furthermore, as they are more affiliated with the citizens, they provide critical and alternate attacks to development and administration. This sub-them seeks to portion successful experiences of the non-state stakeholders in advancing administration quality and answerability. It may besides cover with the current challenges and restraints that prevent them from playing effectual functions. Youth ParticipationinGovernanceandDevelopmentInterventions ; Empowering the Marginalized Groups including Women ; Making Development Trajectories Pro-people ; Sub-theme 3: Private Sector and Development Private sector has been the taking spouse of the authoritiess to maneuver development at the state degree. Strong authoritiess provide strong policy support to the private sector to boom and make concern in a better environment. In all developed and lifting economic systems, private sector has been the major employers. Therefore, administration of the private sector needs to be revisited to understand the policy insufficiency, administration challenges and the degree of private sector’s part to development. Prosecuting Private Sector in Development Policy Support and Governance ; Social Business and Sustainable Development ; Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ) and Development Financing ; Sub-theme 4:Environment, Governanceand Development The Asia-Pacific is the most vulnerable part in footings of the consequence of clime alteration. Many states of the part are the direct victims of clime alteration. Despite planetary committednesss, states of this part face immense challenges in footings of extenuation and version. Huge resources are needed to implement activities to guarantee appropriate execution of policies for extenuation and version. While most of the hapless states are non responsible for this current signifier of clime alteration, yet administration in every state is of import to guarantee more rejuvenation of the economic system to countervail the challenges. However, it is besides of import to observe that sometimes green’ is used as a arm against the economic development aspiration of the hapless states. Climate Change and Development- Challenges of Mitigation, Adaptation and Sustainability ; Greening the Economy- Does Governance Matter and Is it Really Needed ; Sub-theme 5: Technology,Administrationand Service Delivery The usage of ICT as a tool has generated a revolution in administration and development. ICT has contributed to widening people’s entree to administration and development policy. Service bringing has been accelerated through ICT. Many states have been successful to guarantee answerability and efficiency in administration by utilizing ICT induced tools and schemes. Cross-country experiences will assist consolidate the current success and develop more appropriate schemes for farther development. ICT and Accountable and Efficient Governance ; ICT and Citizens’ Engagement and Service Accessibility ; ICT and Cost Effective Governance ; Abstract and Paper Submission Abstract should be submitted electronically to napsipaginfo @ on or before15 September 2014. Abstract should non transcend 600 words and trade with the undermentioned sections- The cardinal subject of the paper in 50-80 words ; Hypothesis in 50 words ; Cardinal statements in brief ; A brief baseline literature ( books, studies, narrations and public paperss ) on which the paper would be based upon in 150 -200 words ; Methodology and theoretical foundation in 150 words ; All abstracts will be peer reviewed by a panel of experts. While entry, the sub-theme the abstract falls under should clearly be mentioned. Writers of the successful abstracts will be communicated by 30 September 2014. Full paper non transcending 5000-8000 words should be submitted by30 October 2014. Conference Information NAPSIPAG Country Coordinator:Prof. Dr. M Shamsur Rahman Conference Steering Committee Prof. Akbaruddin AhmadConvener Prof. M Shamsur Rahman Co-convener Prof. Nasim BanuMember Maj General Shafiqul Islam ( Retd ) Member Dr. S M Sanaul Haque Member Mr. Afeefuddin AhmedMember Dr. Mohammad Mizanur RahmanMember Mr. Md. Zamil HossainMember Prof. Nusrat SultanaMember Mr. Sheikh Md. Ismail HossainSecretarial Support and Coordination Conference Secretariat Prof. Akbaruddin Ahmad, Email: akbaruddinahmad @ Prof. M Shamsur Rahman, Email: rehmanmshamsur @ Dr. S M Sanaul Haque, Email: sanaulhq @ Dr. Mohammad Mizanur Rahman, Email: mizan.civilservice @ Mr. Sheikh Md. Ismail Hossain, Email: napsipaginfo @ 1 | Pageof 2

Monday, October 21, 2019

One Piece

One Piece Considered by some to be the heir to the throne of Dragonball in terms of Japanese market penetration, One Piece is certainly a phenomenon. The manga's print run recently outpaced Dragonball and the series, at more than 130 episodes, is still going strong. It's easy to see why; One Piece follows a very simple and very successful shonen action formula. It worked in the past for Rurouni Kenshin and Dragonball and it's working wonderfully for One Piece. The premise is pretty basic. Luffy D. Monkey, an irrepressible youth, ate the Devil's Fruit, which gave his body extra-strength elasticity. He's searching for the One Piece, a legendary treasure that will make him the King of all Pirates and finally allow him to prove himself to his childhood idol, a selfless pirate by the name of Shanks. Along the way, he collects an army of somewhat freakish rogues, including a tough swordfighter named Zoro who fights with a sword in his mouth, and Nami, a spunky thief.Cover of Rurouni Kenshin OST 1.To gether they have wacky adventures, beat up the bad guys, and collect treasure. It all sounds pretty harmless, right?Well, right, it is. One Piece is completely harmless entertainment. The battles can be surprisingly brutal at times, but overall, this is pure shonen action entertainment. It is entirely unpretentious and knows exactly what it wants to be, and excels at that. That having been said, One Piece is not a particularly deep show, although the characters are well developed. The focus seems to be on the crazy villains and the endless string of fights the main characters go through. Luffy and his crew of misfits go from town to town, saving the repressed masses and eliminating evil pirates who stand between them and the One Piece. In some ways, it's very...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

BUSI2093 Unit1 Problems LM Essay

BUSI2093 Unit1 Problems LM Essay BUSI2093 Unit1 Problems LM Essay BUSI2093 - Introduction Managerial Finance Chapter 14, Problem 9 Financial Ratios - Liquidity Required Data Current Assets Current Liabilities Inventories Cash $ $ $ $ 2011 1,630,200 1,857,200 587,500 191,000 $ $ $ $ 2010 1,504,700 1,787,700 563,600 188,900 Current Ratio: Current Ratio = current assets / current liabilities Current Ratio = 0.8778 0.8417 $ $ $ $ Change 125,500 69,500 23,900 2,100 0.0361 Quick Ratio: Quick Ratio = (current assets - inventories) / current liabilities Quick Ratio = 0.5614 0.5264 0.0350 Cash Ratio: Cash Ratio = cash / current liabilities Cash Ratio = 0.1028 0.1057 -0.0028 Liquidity ratios measure a company's ability to meet its short term obligations in a timely fashion (Brooks 2013; pg 429) The current, quick and cash ratios have resulted in a number less than 1, meaning that the current assets are not enough to cover the company's current liabilities. This can be an issue should the creditors demand repayment all at once. The year over year change of these two ratio's have slightly improved, however to investors these results would still be concerning. References Brooks, Raymond M. (2013). Financial management: Core concepts, (2nd ed). NJ: Prentice Hall BUSI2093 - Introduction Managerial Finance Chapter 14, Problem 10 Financial Ratios - Financial Leverage Financial leverage ratios measure a company's ability to meet its long-term debt obligations. It helps answer the question, Can normal operations cover the interest expense from debt, or will additional capital be needed to satisfy the debt obligation? . (Brooks 2013; pg 431) Required Data Total Assets Total Liabilities Total Equity EBIT Interest Expense Depreciation $ $ $ $ $ $ 2011 14,689,400 11,977,700 2,711,700 3,199,300 375,000 1,498,980 $ $ $ $ $ $ 2010 14,119,500 11,067,200 3,052,300 2,979,700 356,100 1,473,240 Debt Ratio: Debt Ratio = total liabilities / total assets Debt Ratio = 0.8154 0.7838 Change $ 569,900 $ 910,500 -$ 340,600 $ 219,600 $ 18,900 $ 25,740 0.0316 In 2011, for every dollar of assets, the Tyler Toys owes $0.82, vs. only $0.78 a year ago. An increase in this ratio could be looked at negatively by the managers and shareholders. One would need to look at the reason for the increase in debt from a year ago to see if it is justified. For instance was the increased debt due to long term financing for an expansion of the business or due to increased purchase of inventory that isn't selling? Times Interest Earned Ratio: Times Interest Earned Ratio = EBIT / interest expense = 8.5315 8.3676 0.1639 In 2011, Tyler Toys EBIT could cover its interest obligation 8.5 times which was slightly better than the year before at 8.4 times. The year over year change wouldn't signal any concern with management and the shareholders, however should be compared against the companys' aspirations to ensure it is aligned with meeting its strategies. Cash Coverage Ratio: Cash Coverage Ratio = (EBIT + depreciation) / interest expense) = 12.5287 12.5047 0.0240 In 2011, Tyler Toys can generate cash from its normal operations 12.5 times which roughly constant from the year before. Whether this is good or bad will depend on the strategy of the company. From a shareholder perspective I would want to see the company using its cash to expand or grow its EBIT. References Brooks, Raymond M. (2013). Financial management: Core concepts, (2nd ed). NJ: Prentice Hall BUSI2093 - Introduction Managerial Finance Chapter 14, Problem 11 Financial Ratios - Asset Management Asset management ratios measures how efficient a compan y uses its assets to generate revenue or how much cash is tied up in assets like inventory or receivables. (Brooks 2013; pg 432) Required Data Total Assets COGS Inventory Sales Accounts Receivable 2011 2010 Change $ 14,689,400 $ 14,119,500 $ 569,900 $ 8,449,100 $ 8,131,300 $ 317,800 $ 587,500 $ 563,600 $ 23,900 $ 14,146,700 $ 13,566,400 $ 580,300 $ 669,400 $ 630,400 $ 39,000 Inventory Turnover: Inventory Turnover =

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How power and politics are related to organization, how does it work Essay

How power and politics are related to organization, how does it work in organization and how it effects organizations - Essay Example People who are holding high positions in organisations always tried to induce power play in company decisions. If they fail to utilise their positional power they try to amend things with industrial politics. Power play and politics in industrial organisations has resulted in gaining profits and in some cases losses. WorldCom and Enron are the cases where power and politics were misused and both companies had to face the consequences. When Enron, which was one of the top Fortune 500 companies, filed for bankruptcy in December 2nd 2001, the news came as a jolt to many of the investors. When the dubious account activities and scandal in Enron were revealed it came as a shock to the investors. US president George W. Bush had assured them by terming Enron's case as a rotten apple in the healthy corporate system. Despite of president's assurances many high profiled companies collapsed. Enron Corp. was the result of merger between Houston Natural Gas and Internorth. There was a shift to unregulated energy trading markets from regulated transportation of natural gas. Enron was a Fortune 500 company and was in #7 in 2001 was deleted from New York Stock Exchange. According to the mangers of Enron who reviewed the accounts of the company, during California energy crisis Enron has kept undisclosed reserves of up to $1.5 billion in trading profits. Enron came under fire from politicians of price gouging. The hidden reserves would have doubled the Enron's reported profits. It is also reported that Enron manipulated reports on reserves to have steady profit growth to Wall Street and credit rating agencies. The executives also claimed that the reserves were held back and used to fulfil the political and financial ends. In 1990 Enron reported its total revenue as $10 billion and in the next subsequent ten years it grew by $101 billion. It emerged as one of the fast growing companies in the United States. The main reasons for its collapse is not due to the core energy operations but the company's new ventures in dot com sector and investments Internet and communication business. According to investigators of the security of exchange commission gone into investigate the case, have interviewed witnesses to come to a conclusion that the methods or practices violated the laws for doctoring quarterly earning refers to start cookie jar reserves. The existence of Enron reserves puts strange twist to it. The executives of Enron inflated profits and concealed losses with official balance sheet. Partnership in this scenario of reports that Enron has shown wrong accounts in December 2000, the company filed for bankruptcy protection but interviews with more than a dozen ex-Managers and Executives revealed that the Enron many a time paid the profits on trading to meet the needs of politicians and financiers. The major portion of the gains were Shown on paper only on long term contracts only had it been the cash that could have put off liquidity crisis that led to its collapse. As per one of the former Executives, before a few months of Enron bankruptcy, the reserves were depleted. It is common to use reserves to manage profits through it is unlawful. The former long time chairman and company's president chief executive were aware of the reserves and felt them proper. Judy Leon, Skilling's spokes

Friday, October 18, 2019

Database Management in Cloud computing environment Research Paper

Database Management in Cloud computing environment - Research Paper Example Apart from this, the DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS in cloud computing environment also influence the preference of users for them by way of offering a cheap platform for carrying out development. This paper has been a review of the concept of DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS in cloud computing environment. In addition, it also enables the possibilities to be provided in the form of a service, which is also able to operate in a cloud computing environment. At the end of this report, an architectural presented of a Database Management System has been presented. A cloud database management system enables the organization to relocate databases as a service and not as a product. By using an internet connection or any other sharing system, employees working in an organization within different departments share files, software and important information with the help of cloud based database management systems (Gelogo & Lee, 2012). It is anticipated that the use of database management systems in cloud environment would increase in future, keeping in view the escalated demand of organizations for easy sharing of data. For this reason, a number of organizations like Nestle, Coca-Cola or Microsoft have installed database management systems in cloud environment (Gelogo & Lee, 2012). On the other hand, trend of outsourcing database management in cloud environment is also increasing, which is creating new businesses within the information technology industry (Gelogo & Lee, 2012). This paper would discuss and evaluate the use of cloud environment in dat abase management in the prevailing trends. Moreover, an efficient mechanism of incorporating database management in cloud environment would also be presented in this paper. To gather data and relevant information to be used in this paper, the researcher has used a number of online databases such as Ebscohost, Google Search and etc. DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS

Approaches to Second Language Acquisition. Error Analysis and English Research Paper

Approaches to Second Language Acquisition. Error Analysis and English Language Writing - Research Paper Example Formal class room learning of a second language presents many barriers to the learner because learner had already acquired his first language and uses it most effectively to communicate in the class room. This gives a psychological disadvantage to the learner clinching to and always ready to fall back on first language in case complex scenarios occur (Yule, 1985). Thus Steinberg (1982) argues that it is quite possible that second language learning process is accelerated if the learner is provided with an environment presenting stimuli through socialization with speakers of target language. Yule (1985) and Brown (1994) identified age as another barrier to second language acquisition (SLA), which they referred to as critical period. According to them, there is a certain age limit that allows a learner to demonstrate optimal language acquisition skill, beyond what is very difficult to learn another language. Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Different models and analytical approaches are employed by researchers in second language acquisition. This included the grammar translation method, the direct method, the audio-lingual approach and the communicative approach. Yule (1985) gives more importance to communicative approach due to its error tolerances. ... According to Lennon (1991), an error is "a linguistic form or combination of forms which in the same context and under similar conditions of production would, in all likelihood, not be produced by the speakers' native speakers’ counterparts". In the second language teaching/learning process the error has always been regarded as something negative which must be avoided. As a consequence, teachers have always adopted a repressive attitude towards it. On one hand, it was considered to be a sign of inadequacy of the teaching techniques and on the other hand it was seen as a natural result of the fact that since by nature we cannot avoid making errors we should accept the reality and try to deal with them. Fortunately, little by little the error has been seen from a different point of view being made obvious that we can learn from our mistakes. George (1972) is of the view that learners make errors in both comprehension and production, the first being rather scanty investigated. Ch ildren learning their first language, adult native speakers, and second language learners; they all make errors which have a different name according to the group committing the error. Children's errors have been seen as "transitional forms", the errors by native speaker are called "slips of the tongue" and the second language errors are considered unwanted forms. 2.4 Background of Error Analysis Earlier in 1960’s, behaviorist theory formed the basis of second language acquisition, which weighed language acquisition not more than just acquiring set of new language skills. For a considerable period, linguistic research focused on interference of learner’s first language with acquisition of second language. Thus researchers used contrastive analysis to predict the areas that need attention

Theorization & Generalization of Findings Article

Theorization & Generalization of Findings - Article Example Thus, Social Work Research is a means of providing a flexible system through which targets of a given Social Work projects can be analyzed, critiqued and evaluated in order to provide an opinion or view of the existing state of affairs in the status of a given community. The purpose of this paper is to critique a given article on the basis of standards, conventions, and ethics of Social Work Research presented by authoritative academics and researchers in the field. This will include a thorough review and analysis of the content of the article and how it meets the standards in the absolute and relativist sense. The article selected for this study is titled â€Å"Violence Exposure Among Children of Incarcerated Mothers† by Dana, D. DeHart and Sandra J. Altshuler which was published in the Child Adolescent Social Work Journal in 2009. As the title suggests, the article focuses on the social welfare of a class of people in society who need the help of social service providers and other social workers to gain a normal life – children of incarcerated women. Clearly, when a woman gives birth to a child in prison, the child is in a less than ideal social setting. Hence, there is the need for social workers in the community to find ways of ensuring that the child in question gets the right level of care and attention in order to grow to become a responsible adult. The title makes it easier for people searching the web to locate it because the words â€Å"violence†, â€Å"children† and â€Å"incarcerated mothers† are likely to be searched when anyone with a research interest needs to find an article with these features. This implies that it is conveniently titled and can be easily located. The title is also direct and straightforward because most thinkers can easily understand it and deduce a lot of meaning from it when they first see it.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

A critical review of Kosovo Is Not Serbia Assignment

A critical review of Kosovo Is Not Serbia - Assignment Example However, the author fails to explain why Kosovo people are not allowed in America. Additionally he presents a picture of Americans discriminating Kosovo people. What he fails to address is what kind of life do the American live in Kosovo. In his discussion of soap operas that are managed by women, the author fails to explain the role of men in the same films. Furthermore, the article seems to criticize the films more and provide their transformations without giving the positive aspects of the soap opera. In discussing the situation in Serbia, the author provides the current status of Serbia. The article demonstrates that The Serbian language is no longer widely spoken. The county has been taken up by English men. The article notes that with almost every Serb ethnically cleansed, there's nobody left to speak it. The author further notes that Serbia lies in ruins. There are just empty Orthodox churches turned into tourist attractions while the town abounds with pizza and burger joints with English-language menus. Serbia too faces her challenges including traffic jam. However, the author seems to be biased in the discussion of the two countries. The article speaks much better of Kosovo than Serbia. For instance, the author blames Serbia for Kosovo’s problems. The author speaks of â€Å"the war crimes committed by Serbian military forces against the Albanian population, which led to the bombings by NATO in 1999† (Tesanovic Pg. 1, 2014). He did give any instance when Kosovo did something negative or inhumane.

There are 3 parts in this assessment and i decided to write about Ipod Essay

There are 3 parts in this assessment and i decided to write about Ipod this product. The titles are in the assessment brief and pleas use them as the title for each part of the assessment - Essay Example It is time that Apple makes a move to intervene in iPods product life cycle (PLC). iPods first-movers advantage is waning, and needs a revival of customer interests or find new ones (Abel, 2008). In todays volatile business environment characterised by changes such as new market development, technological innovation, regulatory requirements, and changing consumer behaviours, technology based companies like Apple need to harness factors that are within their control. Zook (2004) recommends that companies or brands should progress by simultaneously investing in current business and responding to the new opportunities. To achieve this, companies must scan the environment and evaluate its current marketing programme in order to revise its marketing strategies for achieving growth (McGrath 2001). In the following sections, the author shall study these aspects pertaining to Apples iPod brand particularly relating to the UK market, and offer recommendations for improvement. Every business must operate within its macro and micro environment. The micro environment refers to factors that operate and immediately linked with the firm while the macro and competitive environment is the general factors that affect all firms. The environment can be evaluated so that the best opportunities can be capitalized to the advantage of the brand (Porter 1980). iPods macro and competitive environments are discussed as follows: Political - The UK is undergoing tremendous social and political change which influences its consumers as well as businesses. The British society has become more aware of their environment and their legal rights. They want the government to take active part in passing bills and implementing laws which have positive impact on the society, environment and the country at large. Even in technological innovation, they are concerned

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Theorization & Generalization of Findings Article

Theorization & Generalization of Findings - Article Example Thus, Social Work Research is a means of providing a flexible system through which targets of a given Social Work projects can be analyzed, critiqued and evaluated in order to provide an opinion or view of the existing state of affairs in the status of a given community. The purpose of this paper is to critique a given article on the basis of standards, conventions, and ethics of Social Work Research presented by authoritative academics and researchers in the field. This will include a thorough review and analysis of the content of the article and how it meets the standards in the absolute and relativist sense. The article selected for this study is titled â€Å"Violence Exposure Among Children of Incarcerated Mothers† by Dana, D. DeHart and Sandra J. Altshuler which was published in the Child Adolescent Social Work Journal in 2009. As the title suggests, the article focuses on the social welfare of a class of people in society who need the help of social service providers and other social workers to gain a normal life – children of incarcerated women. Clearly, when a woman gives birth to a child in prison, the child is in a less than ideal social setting. Hence, there is the need for social workers in the community to find ways of ensuring that the child in question gets the right level of care and attention in order to grow to become a responsible adult. The title makes it easier for people searching the web to locate it because the words â€Å"violence†, â€Å"children† and â€Å"incarcerated mothers† are likely to be searched when anyone with a research interest needs to find an article with these features. This implies that it is conveniently titled and can be easily located. The title is also direct and straightforward because most thinkers can easily understand it and deduce a lot of meaning from it when they first see it.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

There are 3 parts in this assessment and i decided to write about Ipod Essay

There are 3 parts in this assessment and i decided to write about Ipod this product. The titles are in the assessment brief and pleas use them as the title for each part of the assessment - Essay Example It is time that Apple makes a move to intervene in iPods product life cycle (PLC). iPods first-movers advantage is waning, and needs a revival of customer interests or find new ones (Abel, 2008). In todays volatile business environment characterised by changes such as new market development, technological innovation, regulatory requirements, and changing consumer behaviours, technology based companies like Apple need to harness factors that are within their control. Zook (2004) recommends that companies or brands should progress by simultaneously investing in current business and responding to the new opportunities. To achieve this, companies must scan the environment and evaluate its current marketing programme in order to revise its marketing strategies for achieving growth (McGrath 2001). In the following sections, the author shall study these aspects pertaining to Apples iPod brand particularly relating to the UK market, and offer recommendations for improvement. Every business must operate within its macro and micro environment. The micro environment refers to factors that operate and immediately linked with the firm while the macro and competitive environment is the general factors that affect all firms. The environment can be evaluated so that the best opportunities can be capitalized to the advantage of the brand (Porter 1980). iPods macro and competitive environments are discussed as follows: Political - The UK is undergoing tremendous social and political change which influences its consumers as well as businesses. The British society has become more aware of their environment and their legal rights. They want the government to take active part in passing bills and implementing laws which have positive impact on the society, environment and the country at large. Even in technological innovation, they are concerned

A Brief History of Byzantine Art Essay Example for Free

A Brief History of Byzantine Art Essay Byzantine Art important pictorial Document St.mark’s basilica, Venice italy [pic] four co-emperor ruling plan called The Tetrarchy [pic] Cupola at the transept crossing [pic] The most famous of the surviving Byzantine mosaics of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople – the image of Christ Pantocrator on the walls of the upper southern gallery [pic] Miniatures of the 6th-century Rabula Gospeldisplay the more abstract and symbolic nature of Byzantine art. [pic] Frescoes in Nerezi near Skopje (1164), with their unique blend of high tragedy, gentle humanity, and homespun realism, anticipate the approach of Giotto and other proto-Renaissance Italian artists. [ [pic] Leaf from an ivory diptych ofAreobindus Dagalaiphus Areobindus, consul in Constantinople, 506. Areobindus is shown above, presiding over the games in the Hippodrome, depicted beneath. [pic] Mosaic from San Vitale in Ravenna, showing the Emperor Justinian and Bishop Maximian of Ravenna surrounded by clerics and soldiers [pic] Mosaic from the church of Hagios Demetrios inThessaloniki, late 7th or early 8th century, showingSt. Demetrios with donors [pic] Helios in his chariot, surrounded by symbols of the months and of the zodiac. From Vat. Gr. 1291, the Handy Tables of Ptolemy, produced during the reign of Constantine V. [pic] An example of Macedonian ivorywork: the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, now in the Bode Museum,Berlin [pic] The Annunciation from Ohrid, one of the most admired icons of the Paleologan Mannerism, bears comparison with the finest contemporary works by Italian artists [pic] Modern Orthodox mural from Israel using a depiction of the Nativity of Christ little changed in over a millennium [pic] Byzantine Manuscripts (sixth to 15th century) In the Byzantine Empire, another tradition of manuscript illumination emerged. The most influential characteristics of Byzantine manuscript painting were the abundant use of precious metals, especially gold; the choice of bright colors; and the use of empty space, often filled with gold leaf, as background. Byzantine illumination was frequently devoted to narrating biblical stories. Styles of depicting the human figure varied in Byzantine art over the centuries. Sarcophagus St.peter [pic] The so-called Gothic chieftain, from the Mosaic Peristyle of the Great Palace of Constantinople [pic] Saint Peter mosaic from the Chora Church [pic] A pre-Iconoclastic depiction of St. Demetrios at the Hagios Demetrios Basilica in Thessaloniki. [pic] The mosaics of St. Marks Basilica in Venice [pic] mosaic in San Vitale in Ravenna [pic] Byzantine mosaic in Ravennas Basilica di SantApollinare in Classe [pic] Latin cross plan A view of Hagia Sophia, Istanbul [pic] Location within Turkey Istanbul [pic] Interior view of the Hagia Sophia, showing Islamic elements on the top of the main dome. [pic] Stone remains of the basilica ordered by Theodosius II, showing the Lamb of God [pic] Construction of church depicted in codex Manasses Chronicle (14th century) [pic] Groundplan of the Hagia Sophi

Monday, October 14, 2019

Nurses On A Palliative Care Unit Nursing Essay

Nurses On A Palliative Care Unit Nursing Essay According to Olade (2004), nursing practice using observed phenomena and evidences is an example of education which refers to formalized experiences designed to enlarge the knowledge or skills of nursing educators or practitioners. Through experiences and evidences, the ability to learn actual clinical practice and the orientation in health care protocols and policies in handling patients needs will be achieved. This method is also termed as Evidence-based practice. Evidence-based practice involves a combination of many disciplines, including aspects of multidisciplinary sciences to promote the restoration and maintenance of health in our clients (Davies, 2005). Much literature has been published on this topic in recent years, an evolving subject and concept for specific practices that promote more effective, safer and more efficient ways of caring (Drenkard Cohen, 2004). Maintaining and improving high satisfaction among nurses is an important area to discover (Ebell, 2008). To achieve this, we need a workforce to continually strive for excellence, specifically in caring for clients experiencing loss and bereavement be responsible and flexible enough, have the confidence to face the challenges, and inspire everyone with a shared vision. These are strengths needed by nursing staff to motivate others health care provider to fulfill their potential and achieve goals (Littlefield, 2005). Researches, studies and articles were utilized and analyzed in gathering the necessary information needed. Clinical education, skills and practices are the key concepts used in this paper. Possession of knowledge and competency in performing skills and interventions for clients experiencing grief and bereavement which can be acquired in hands on training are essential in practicing the profession especially in the palliative care unit of NHS hospital is important. As a nursing professional, tangible skills and knowledge in a hospital setting is very important in managing clients and supervising clients (Burns Foley, 2005). Evidences were identified through thorough assessment and research. The challenges discussed below were identified through gathering of recent information in the palliative care unit and data that focuses on this subject. Decisional Teachings and Interventions As a nurse, you need to ensure that the client is treated with dignity, that is, with honor and respect. Dying clients often feel they have lost control over their lives and over life itself. Helping patient die with dignity involves maintaining their humanity, consistent with their values, beliefs, and culture. By introducing available options to the client and significant others, you can restore and support feelings of control. Some choices that clientss family can make are location of care (home, hospital or hospice), time of appointments with health professionals, activity schedule, use of health resources, and times of visit (Matzo and Sherman, 2004). The family of dying patient wants `to be able to manage the events preceding death so she can die peacefully. You can help client to determine her own physical, psychological, and social priorities. Dying people often strive for self fulfillment more than for self preservation, and may need to find meaning in continuing to live whi le suffering. Part of the nurses challenge is to support the clients hope and will (Smeltzer, 2009). Nevertheless, the communication between clients families may not solve all decisional differences, her mother insist on interventions that health care professionals consider inadvisable. In case like this, the initial step is for all parties to focus on having clear goals of care. Hospice Support to facilitate proper bereavement The decision of clients family for home care with hospice support focuses on symptoms control and pain management. Hospice care is always provided by a team of both health professionals and nonprofessionals to ensure a full range of care services. In the case of many patients, palliative care will be the option. This care may be given to meet their physiological need (Matzo, 2005). Ventilatory support for patient can improve her respiratory functioning and relieve symptoms of respiratory distress using mechanical ventilation. While the decisions made by the family wanting their family member to be vented are often reached by consensus with the patient and her family, patient does have an opportunity to designate a family member as a healthcare proxy. Family Teachings and Interventions The reaction of any person to another persons impending death depends on all factors regarding loss and the development of the concept of death. In spite of the individual variations in persons view about the cause of death, spiritual beliefs, availability of support systems, or other factor, responses tend to cluster in the process. To help the family, spiritual support is of great importance in dealing with death. Although not all clients identify with specific religious faith or belief, most have a need for meaning in their lives, particularly as they experience a terminal illness. Establish a communication relationship that shows concern for and commitment to the family and client. There are also communication strategies that let client and her family knows that you are available to talk about death (Smeltzer, 2009). Caring for clients family members is an important intervention in caring for the terminally ill patient. Family-centered interventions and care is focused on the goal, needs and values of the family and patient including their understanding of the treatment options, illness, prognosis and their preferences and expectations for decision making and treatment (Matzo and Sherman, 2004). Specific interventions appropriate for clients family includes providing hope within parameters of individual situations without giving false reassurance. Listening to their expressions regarding their perceptions of the situation is also important to determine how they handle the situation (Zerwekh, 2006). Giving honest answers to their questions and giving correct information will assist the family in dealing with the situation. Encouraging strength, promoting support systems and referring to other resources such as pastoral care, counseling and organized support groups will promote wellness and facilitate long term action (Smeltzer, 2009). Communicating effectively at all levels is a common barrier in the implementation of change among health care in various settings (Kleinman, 2004). As a member of the hospital workforce, a nurse must have the capability to communicate effectively in a non-judgmental way and stimulate other colleagues to think critically. They must also arouse enthusiasm and develop quick thinking and imagination. Moreover, they must also demonstrate resourcefulness and professionalism with infinite patience, understanding, confidence and perseverance are also challenges (Bryar et al, 200). Emotional and Physical Support The skills most relevant to this situation of the family are attentive listening, silence, open and close questioning, clarifying and reflecting feeling. Less helpful to family members are responses that give advice and evaluation, those that interpret and analyze, and those that give unwarranted reassurance. To ensure effective communication, the nurse must make an accurate assessment of what is appropriate for the client. Communication with the family needs to be relevant to their feeling and situation. Whether the clients are angry or depressed affects how the client hears messages and how the nurse interprets the clients statement (Matzo, 2005). In facilitating nursing interventions, the nurse must explore and respect the familys ethnic, cultural, religious and personal values inn their expressions of feelings. Teach the family what to expect in the process, such as certain thought and feelings and that labile emotions, feeling of sadness, anger, guilt, loneliness and fear will lessen or stabilize over time. Knowing what to expect may lessen the intensity of some reactions. Encourage her family to express their thoughts and feelings, not to push the family to move on or enforce their own expectations of inappropriate reactions. Encourage the family to resume normal activities after death on schedule that promotes psychological and physical health. Some family member may also try to return to normal activities too quickly. However, a prolonged delay in return may indicate dysfunctional grieving (Matzo and Sherman, 2004). Physiological and other specific end-life care Support Nursing management of the client experiencing a loss is important. Physiological need must be addressed first including palliative care such as pain management and life support. Weakness and paresis are common symptoms that may affect muscle groups. With the loss of muscle innervations the muscles athrophy, paralysis and progressive fatigue result. Dysphagia, dysathria, fasciculations, hyperreflexia, immobility, respiratory failure and aspiration will likely occur. Emotional effects such as lability, loss of control and depression are also common. The goal of management in end-of-life care for every client is the prevention or alleviation of these symptoms. Hygiene and psychological support is also important factor to consider (Zerwekh, 2006). To gather a complete database that allows accurate analysis and identification of appropriate nursing diagnoses for dying client and their family, the nurse first needs to recognize the states of awareness manifested by the client and the famil y members (Smeltzer, 2009). In case of many patients, the state of awareness shared by the dying person and the family affects the nurse ability to communicate freely with clients and other health care team members and to assist in the grieving process. The nurse must also need to be knowledgeable about the clients death related rituals such as last rites, chanting at the bedside and other rituals. The nurse must also recognize the states of awareness manifested by the client and family members. As nurses, we also need to maintain physiologic and psychological comfort and achieving a peaceful and dignified death, which includes maintaining personal control and accepting declining health status (Matzo and Sherman, 2004). The roles of health care team in care management of dying patient are very important. This implies the vital responsibilities of nurse to do the best and competent care to achieve the peaceful death of the patient. The primary role is to ensure that the patient recei ved the highest possible intervention best suited for her. Nurses must include the family of the patient in the care management, emphasizing nurses role as essential factor to maintain dignity of dying client (Matzo, 2005). Conclusions Knowledge and competitiveness is a product of excellent nursing practice. In caring for patient experiencing grief and bereavement, experience and effective learning are essential processes in actual clinical practice of the nursing profession. To be an effective nurse, one should begin with the individual appraisal of ones self competency and enhanced education based on practices and trainings taken previously during undergraduate and graduate studies, workshops, trainings, continuing education, and preparation for teaching seminars or modules including the conceptual, academic and clinical orientation (Foster, 2007). Competitiveness is largely based on innate potentials and motivations afforded by the familiarity of a learning environment. Accordingly, the primary responsibility of the nurse to the patient is to give him/her the kind of care the patient condition needs regardless of race, creed, color, nationality or status (Salsberg, 2008). Advocate the rights and serve as facilit ator of patients well being (Foster, 2007). In doing so, the patients care shall be based on subjective and objective evidence, needs, the physicians order and the ailment; shall involve the patient and the family. It promotes understanding of the differing values held by people in other cultures (Henderson, 2009). For example, it helps client to understand why other people in one culture may regard with approval of their practices of exposing their elderly members to the harmful elements, while people in other cultures may abhor such practice. The strength this critical thinking and decision making is its recognition of the relationship between personal values and a choice of action and it equates personal values and wrong action, it also recognize limits of personal experience and perspective and it implies that a persons moral judgments are infallible. I believe the richness or intensity of the inculcation of knowledge, positive values and skills of a person is not simply based on the innate capacity of one to evaluate, think, reason and interact in a learning situation. It also equally depends on the quality of the nursing experiences which are either limited by the nurses ability and will to choose or by what is desirable to her which is readily accessible in the environment. Nursing education, concepts and programs for improving the knowledge in health facility should also be provided to maintain theoretical and clinical competence of health setting and facilities. From what I have learned in my own area of practice, the key to successful knowledge development is competent learning and effective communication during the practice to achieve the goal of competency. This will determine the path of being an effective and competent nursing professional. In general, the main role of nurses in palliative care unit is focused on providing effective, quality care. Hence, more advanced and competent means of preparing nurses to supervise and manage their patient is important (Briggs et al., 2004). These challenges must be addressed properly by the implementation of appropriate approach and programs to increase the knowledge and experience. Skill development for nursing educators must constantly be framed within the context of individualized patients. Nursing educators should make themselves aware of every situation happening in the field and make it a motivational means to improve the profession by proper preparation and education (Welk, 2007). Therefore, the need for implementing evidenced-based approach to nursing practice is essential in addressing these issues. As nursing profession enter a new era not knowing what to expect. Yes, patient care is the same everywhere, but they must be comfortable with the environment they are placed in. Adaptation is crucial in the clinical arena (Kleinman (2004). Evidenced-based practice and clinical experience may become a highly useful and effective strategy in clinical practice. The nurse becomes less apprehensive about the clinical environment and becomes more client-focused, therefore increasing the effectiveness of care. This also provides the nurse an opportunity for role modeling as the client and family maintains and develops standards of practice and competent care in a familiar environment (Foster, 2007).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Cows On Parade :: essays research papers fc

Cows in the City.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chicago – the Windy City†¦ Famous for its skyscrapers and the Magnificent Mile, this summer Chicago was embellished by a new landmark, or landmarks to be more exact. Nearly 300 cows have found a temporary home in the streets of downtown and its buildings. This extensive public art project, organized by the Chicago Public Art Program , commemorates the city’s industrial history, while bringing a sense of community and beauty to Chicago’s citizens and tourists. In this â€Å"parade†, every cow is full of meaning as well as artistic value. Although many might argue, I, to the contrary, would like to applaud the City of Chicago for the implementation of this great project.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This project’s idea was brought to Chicago by Peter Hanig, after he saw a similar project in Zurich. From the North Michigan Avenue Business Association, the â€Å"cow† idea found its way to the Department of Cultural Affairs . This is how it all started. Sponsors commissioned artists, and the cows were on their way.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is difficult to make a clear statement of whether the sponsors were trying to advertise using the cows or just participate selflessly in this magnificent â€Å"parade†. Some cows, such as â€Å"Give the Lady what She Wants† with shopping bags on its back is obviously nothing other than advertising for the Marshall Field’s & Co., the cow’s sponsor. The same can be said for the â€Å"Mooving Eli†, near the Eli’s Cheesecake, which also doesn’t disguise its advertising nature. Some people are disgusted to call this form of advertising a public art program.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  However, it is not completely fair to blame sponsors for wanting to use the cows for their own benefit. If cows were bought with tax money, then this issue would become really controversial. Many people, with whom I will tend to agree, understand that although some cows are used for advertising, there are many cows that actually beautify and enrich the city of Chicago by their presence. One of the examples is the â€Å"Stampede† cow, near the historic Water Tower. This cow achieves an incredible much in terms of promoting the city and is a true example of a public art figure that celebrates the city’s diversity of events. This cow is painted with images of Chicago’s celebrations, such as the â€Å"Taste of Chicago†, the â€Å"Venetian Night† and the air show. It is mostly delightful to see a smile on little children’s faces as well as the faces of adults. Cows On Parade :: essays research papers fc Cows in the City.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chicago – the Windy City†¦ Famous for its skyscrapers and the Magnificent Mile, this summer Chicago was embellished by a new landmark, or landmarks to be more exact. Nearly 300 cows have found a temporary home in the streets of downtown and its buildings. This extensive public art project, organized by the Chicago Public Art Program , commemorates the city’s industrial history, while bringing a sense of community and beauty to Chicago’s citizens and tourists. In this â€Å"parade†, every cow is full of meaning as well as artistic value. Although many might argue, I, to the contrary, would like to applaud the City of Chicago for the implementation of this great project.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This project’s idea was brought to Chicago by Peter Hanig, after he saw a similar project in Zurich. From the North Michigan Avenue Business Association, the â€Å"cow† idea found its way to the Department of Cultural Affairs . This is how it all started. Sponsors commissioned artists, and the cows were on their way.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is difficult to make a clear statement of whether the sponsors were trying to advertise using the cows or just participate selflessly in this magnificent â€Å"parade†. Some cows, such as â€Å"Give the Lady what She Wants† with shopping bags on its back is obviously nothing other than advertising for the Marshall Field’s & Co., the cow’s sponsor. The same can be said for the â€Å"Mooving Eli†, near the Eli’s Cheesecake, which also doesn’t disguise its advertising nature. Some people are disgusted to call this form of advertising a public art program.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  However, it is not completely fair to blame sponsors for wanting to use the cows for their own benefit. If cows were bought with tax money, then this issue would become really controversial. Many people, with whom I will tend to agree, understand that although some cows are used for advertising, there are many cows that actually beautify and enrich the city of Chicago by their presence. One of the examples is the â€Å"Stampede† cow, near the historic Water Tower. This cow achieves an incredible much in terms of promoting the city and is a true example of a public art figure that celebrates the city’s diversity of events. This cow is painted with images of Chicago’s celebrations, such as the â€Å"Taste of Chicago†, the â€Å"Venetian Night† and the air show. It is mostly delightful to see a smile on little children’s faces as well as the faces of adults.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Exploring Autism in Children Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Pape

Exploring Autism in Children Susan was a normal, happy, active infant. Her parents were so relieved that all her checkups at the pediatrician's office indicated that her growth and development were above average. At 6 months she could sit up and crawl and at 10 months she was walking. She seemed to babble more than her older brother did at the same age and was talking at 16 months. All the milestones in her early development were ahead of schedule. One day when she was 18 months old, her mother found her sitting alone in the yard spinning the wheels of her wagon with such persistence that her mom joked with her friends that maybe Susan would be an engineer when she grew up. Susan's mother began to notice many unusual behaviors from her sweet, happy little girl. She seemed really different from her older brother. At 2 years old, Susan, she began to digress more and more. Suddenly, Susan stopped talking and it felt as if she wasn't the same baby she once was. She became obsessed with order and threw a tantrum when anything was moved or was out of place. She was always putting hairy toys in her mouth or sniffing and licking them. It was clear that she was very sensitive to taste, sound, smell, and touch. She threw a tantrum when her mother tried to put jeans on her, soft sweatpants were much more comfortable. When her mom called her by her name, she appeared to be deaf because she was unresponsive to voices or language. She avoided eye contact and would often be fixated on a single item or activity for a long period of time. She was very active and was constantly rocking or flapping her hands. She also would become aggressive. When something would upset her, she would suddenly explode, grabbing anything she could get... ... Andrew awakes. Ladies Home Journal (163-166) Neuwirth, S & Segal, J. Autism. Source: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Retrieved March 14, 2002 from the World Wide Web: Autism.html Powers, M, Psy, D. Children with Autism a parent's guide. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House Inc. 3-9, 294. 297-298. Smith, D. (1992). Special Education. very low incidence Disabilities: Autism, Deaf- Blindness & Traumatic Brain Injury. (Pg. 520-530, 553-557). Needhan Heights, MA Autism 10 What is Autism . (2001 June) . Colorado Department of Education Fast Facts. Retrieved March 12,2002 from the World Wide Web: www. Treatment and education of eutism and related communication handicapped children.Chapel Hill TEACCH information.Retrieved June 15, 2000 from the World Wide Web: http://Autism- Exploring Autism in Children Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Pape Exploring Autism in Children Susan was a normal, happy, active infant. Her parents were so relieved that all her checkups at the pediatrician's office indicated that her growth and development were above average. At 6 months she could sit up and crawl and at 10 months she was walking. She seemed to babble more than her older brother did at the same age and was talking at 16 months. All the milestones in her early development were ahead of schedule. One day when she was 18 months old, her mother found her sitting alone in the yard spinning the wheels of her wagon with such persistence that her mom joked with her friends that maybe Susan would be an engineer when she grew up. Susan's mother began to notice many unusual behaviors from her sweet, happy little girl. She seemed really different from her older brother. At 2 years old, Susan, she began to digress more and more. Suddenly, Susan stopped talking and it felt as if she wasn't the same baby she once was. She became obsessed with order and threw a tantrum when anything was moved or was out of place. She was always putting hairy toys in her mouth or sniffing and licking them. It was clear that she was very sensitive to taste, sound, smell, and touch. She threw a tantrum when her mother tried to put jeans on her, soft sweatpants were much more comfortable. When her mom called her by her name, she appeared to be deaf because she was unresponsive to voices or language. She avoided eye contact and would often be fixated on a single item or activity for a long period of time. She was very active and was constantly rocking or flapping her hands. She also would become aggressive. When something would upset her, she would suddenly explode, grabbing anything she could get... ... Andrew awakes. Ladies Home Journal (163-166) Neuwirth, S & Segal, J. Autism. Source: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Retrieved March 14, 2002 from the World Wide Web: Autism.html Powers, M, Psy, D. Children with Autism a parent's guide. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House Inc. 3-9, 294. 297-298. Smith, D. (1992). Special Education. very low incidence Disabilities: Autism, Deaf- Blindness & Traumatic Brain Injury. (Pg. 520-530, 553-557). Needhan Heights, MA Autism 10 What is Autism . (2001 June) . Colorado Department of Education Fast Facts. Retrieved March 12,2002 from the World Wide Web: www. Treatment and education of eutism and related communication handicapped children.Chapel Hill TEACCH information.Retrieved June 15, 2000 from the World Wide Web: http://Autism-